How To Implement WhatsApp Call Recording In Your Business


You should consider implementing WhatsApp call recording in your business if your employees use this app for official communication purposes. This is among the essential tasks that you must perform because more and more people are using the encrypted app to make phone calls with their co-workers and customers. It is always possible that employees are relaying information relevant to the organization, and such communications need to be archived for compliance reasons.

So what are some of the ways to capture voice calls made through WhatsApp in your business? One of the best ways to do it is through third party applications. There are various applications in the market that can effectively record a voice call. Since there is no official recording application endorsed by WhatsApp, you need to look for the most reliable app if you resort to this method.

Most of the third-party applications that record WhatsApp voice calls can also record calls that are made through other apps. Even though most of these call recording apps save the recorded call in an MP3 format, there are others that allow the user to choose which file format to use.

WhatsApp call recording can also be done through phone rooting and screen recording. If you are an Android user, you can root your device, but this option is not recommended for since it compromises your phone’s security and can push you off the manufacturer’s update track. However, if you must, then go ahead root your phone and use the SCR Screen Recorder app that is available via XDA. This app uses various hacks and APIs that may not work on particular devices.

For more tips on how to implement WhatsApp call recording in your business, visit our website at


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