The Benefits of Implementing WeCom Call Monitoring


WeCom call recording

WeCom call monitoring is something you should take seriously if you use WeChat in your business. When the coronavirus pandemic struck the world, businesses worldwide shifted towards hybrid and full remote working modes. Due to this, the demand for online collaborative working as well as instant messaging solutions grew exponentially.

The WeCom application is one of the communication platforms that has helped the labor force across the world continue business-related communication without any interruption. It has done this by facilitating independent personal as well as business messaging with WeChat communications.

Also known as WeChat work, WeCom is one of the most popular internal communication applications with office automation tools developed by Tencent China. It offers a communication experience similar to the standard WeChat app but also a more professional version.

Use of WeCom skyrocketed with the first wave of the coronavirus outbreak as employees in different organizations found it a helpful tool to continue business work remotely. This app consists of useful office automation and management features such as attendance marking, approvals, and reporting. It also features the Wexin integration that enables cooperative payments and mini-programs, providing the ability to offer better customer services.

There are many reasons why organizations need to implement WeCom call recording. One reason is according to the Tencent WeCom Software License and Service Agreement as well as the WeCom Account Usage Rules, users need to comply with specific rules about the message content they can send. There are three types of violations that can occur through WeCom, and some defined penalties are applicable for each type. The violations include sending fraudulent, false, harassment, and illegal content, content that threatens the security of the organization, and fictitious transactions to users.

For more information on the benefits of implementing WeCom call monitoring, visit our website at


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