
Showing posts from October, 2022

Benefits of Implementing WhatsApp Archiving

  Implementing WhatsApp archiving is a good idea if you have decided to use WhatsApp for communication purposes in your business. As a company owner, you need to realize that every call that comes into your business is important. In this environment, it is very vital to monitor how effectively your employees deal with your callers. This is not just important for customer satisfaction, but for some industries this will be mandated for all purposes.  One of the areas that WhatsApp recording can help in is dispute resolution. Recordings are very crucial where a telephone conversation takes the place of a completed and agreed transaction. However, calls that relate to claims also give rise to disputes. The Insurance Ombudsman Bureau has already stressed the importance of companies recording critical telephone transactions. With WhatsApp call recording, you can monitor communications, investigate events, and securely share the results with internal and external parties quickly and...

Benefits Of Implementing WeChat Call Monitoring In Your Business

  If you have not yet implemented WeChat call monitoring in your business, you should consider doing so. Your contact numbers support sales orders and customer management. When these numbers are down, it means that your business is not generating revenue, and you may be losing your customers. This is why it is very crucial for you to proactively monitor and test calls. Even though there are many other alternative communication methods, the voice channel still remains the primary contact method for customers. The quality of the call experience strongly influences the perception of your customers, and your brand. A high-quality customer experience is very crucial because good conversations drive business growth. Apart from the agent-customer conversations, voice analytics, voice-bot call flows as well as true interactive voice response (IVR) have a fundamental need for good audio. It is not easy to manage a global voice and data network with multiple service providers. Knowing that ...

Best Practices For WhatsApp Call Recording Compliance

  So you have decided to implement WhatsApp call recording in your business. Apart from the pressure that you may have from regulatory authorities to put in place effective policies and systems to mitigate cybersecurity risks and potential breaches, there are other core compliance obligations to meet if you have a financial service firm: to archive text messages and record voice calls that are business-related. Even though enterprise text messaging is currently considered to be the fastest growing trend in enterprise mobile communications, a substantial number of employees still use voice calls to communicate with their colleagues and customers. As such, financial service firms that have allowed their employees to use their smartphones to make business-related phone calls need to have clear policies and systems in place to ensure they remain compliant with various voice call recording regulations and capture voice calls. For instance, banks in the United States of America need to ...

Benefits of Implementing Signal Message Archiving in Your Business

  There are many benefits that you can get as a result of implementing Signal message archiving in your business. With teams and offices more mobile and dispersed than ever before in this nearly post-COVID-19 era, the information in the form of data and content is generated at tremendous speeds. The need for recording and controlling the access and circulation of that data remains at the forefront of every business. One of the benefits of Signal recording is preventing data loss or compliance risk. Archiving data is a must to prevent data loss or compliance risk. Moreover, admins can still archive and retain all files for all extensions even if extensions delete files or disable backup. Another benefit of Signal message archiving is that you will get automatic, secure backups in your business. Automatic archiving and SSL encryption features that archiving solutions have mean that users can back up files quickly and securely. Moreover, they can search and retrieve their archived d...

How To Ensure Communication Compliance In A Post-Covid World

  If you are a company owner, you need to know what to do in order to ensure communication compliance in a post-covid world. When the Covid-19 pandemic struck the world, it brought about many changes in the lives of people all around the world. While the pandemic brought a crisis to businesses in the initial days, the amount of flexibility that was needed to continue the business shattered long-standing conventional practices. Banks and financial firms also faced the need to shift to the work-from-home culture. A lot of people resorted to working from home, attended online meetings, and still managed to be productive. During this trying time, communication as the greatest challenge. Video conferencing tools that companies used to host internal meetings were now being utilized for all meetings, as physical meetings were no longer possible. When employees started working from home, the need for new communication methods started to emerge. Before this, the use of mobile instant messa...

The Benefits Of Mobile Archiving For Your Business

  If you have not yet invested in a good mobile archiving solution for your business, you should consider doing so. No matter the areas of your company you want to improve, recording your calls is a highly effective way to see changes for the better across the board. From training employees on how to better handle tricky situations they may encounter over the phone to letting new agents hear veterans upsell valued clients and pinpointing exactly where dissatisfaction lies among your clientele, call archiving can go a long way toward maximizing profit, minimizing employee turnover and keeping clients loyal. One of the ways that call archiving can help you is helping identify problem areas. Knowing exactly what your employees are saying to clients over the phone and how they are saying it is the best way to pinpoint potential communication problems within your phone support on both the individual and group levels. When you are too aware too of exactly how clients are responding to ...