How To Choose A Good Mobile Archiving Solution


Are you looking for the right mobile archiving solution to use in your business? In regulated industries, where compliance laws mandate records retention, archiving corporate email has long been an established practice. But new laws gets passed and old ones get updated, it is possible that an archiving solution that once used to meet all your archiving needs may suddenly become inadequate. To help you choose the right mobile archiving solution for your needs, the following are some of the things you should do.

First of all, you will need to determine what the call archiving solution you are considering can archive. Are you planning on archiving only email, or do you also want to preserve other unstructured data such as mobile and social media?

Regulations tend to reflect our rapidly changing world, so it is good to double-check which laws apply to your business. If you need to archive social and mobile, you should check if your archiving solution can support these formats. To be on the safe side, you should choose an archiving solution that offers this as an add-on. It will save you the time, trouble and money that you would otherwise waste on getting three separate products.

You also need to determine if the mobile archiving solution you are considering is scalable. Archive scalability simply means that the solution can sustain a growing amount of data and it has the potential to be expanded in order to accommodate that growth. A flexible, scalable archive makes it possible for you to easily adapt when your organization needs change. If for instance your business grows and you have to archive additional mailboxes, an archive that can be enlarged without trouble will give you an important head start.

For more tips on how to choose a good mobile archiving solution, visit our website at
