The Advantages Of Using WhatsApp To Email Archiving Solution In Your Business


If you have allowed the use of WhatsApp in your business, there are many compelling reasons why you should have a WhatsApp to email archiving solution in place. While you can definitely benefit greatly from using WhatsApp for business, it is important to make sure that this application is used in the right way to be able to get the most out of it.

One of the reasons why you should archive WhatsApp messages in your business using an enterprise instant messaging archiving solution is so that you can stay compliant with archiving regulations. Most regulatory agencies have made it so clear that companies should retain all business related messages that are created by employees no matter the type of platform or mobile device used.  You need to take this very seriously especially if you are in the financial industry where  a flood  of unarchived text messages, chat apps as well as social media have been reported in the recent days.

As a matter of fact,  FINRA’  regulatory notice 17-18 clearly states that every company that intends to communicate, or allows  its associated persons to communicate, with regards to its business using a text messaging app or chat service should first make sure that the records of those communications are retained.  Even if you decide to ban the use of text messaging, WhatsApp and social media apps altogether in your business for work purposes, you still face the risk of non-compliance. When FINRA auditors pay you a surprise visit, they will check the mobile devices of your employees to make sure that the no-texting is not being breached - that is if you have one in place.

For more information on the benefits of using WhatsApp to email archiving solution in your business, visit our website at
