At Look At The Industry Best Practices For WhatsApp Call Recording


With WhatsApp being one of the most popular social apps these days, chances that you are leveraging it in your business to reach more customers. This app can make it easier for your employees to communicate with customers. However, in order to use this app properly and get the most out of it, you must have clear policies and systems in place to make sure that you remain compliant with various WhatsApp call recording regulations.  You must record calls or text messages between your employees and customers as proof that you comply with the request of the customers and are not breaching any laws.

One of the industry best practices for WhatsApp call recording that you need to adhere to is make sure clear standards for data access are established.  It is very important to make sure that only authorized individuals can access the archive database, like those that keep information related to customer’s order records, financial information as well as employees’ correspondence across different channels.  Regulators emphasize protection and privacy of data, which may include details such as client phone number and address.

Another thing you need to do when you decide to record WhatsApp calls in your company is make sure that you have clear archiving policies and enforce them.  Most of the biggest breaches that have ever happened are not the result of deliberate misuse of customer information. Instead, they are as a result of human error, for instance accidentally publishing a private call recording or unauthorized access on a database.  When you establish clear and specific policies that detail how WhatsApp call recording should be done, you will be able to minimize the risks of non-compliance as well as possible penalties and lawsuits.

For more information on industry best practices for WhatsApp call recording, visit our website at


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