Things To Do In Order To Ensure WhatsApp GDPR Compliance
WhatsApp is one of the most popular as well as widely used messaging services today. Not only is its pervasiveness evident within social networks, but also in workplaces. A lot of businesses have embraced WhatsApp as their primary communication tool because of the useful features that it has such as live location sharing, group messaging and verified accounts for businesses. If you own or run a company that has allowed Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), Choose Your Own Device (CYOD) or Company Owner/Personally Enabled policies, you must be prepared for the fact that WhatsApp may need to be installed on these devices. This scenario can be a compliance nightmare for companies in the age of General Data Protection Regulation. This regulation implements a myriad of data privacy rules that affect the use of messaging tools such as WhatsApp in the work place. To be on the safe side, you need to know what to do in order to ensure WhatsApp GDPR compliance for customer services....