Why Should Consider Using Enterprise Text Messaging In Your Business

Enterprise text messaging is something that you should consider investing in if you are a business owner. It has become a very essential apart of effective multi-channel marketing nowadays. Many companies are already using it to improve their sales and reach more customers, so you wound not want to be left behind. If you are not already using it in your business, you are potentially missing out on communications with your customers as well as increased return on investment. You will not regret investing in it at all provided that it is implemented properly in your business.
There are some company owners who mistakenly believe that enterprise text messaging requires heavy investment in apps and does not offer personalized, targeted communication. You will find that it is not true once you start using enterprise text messaging in your company. The truth of the matter is that access to mobile communications is so easy than perceived. Gaining access to the mobile devices of consumers (both smartphones and non-smartphones) can be as easy as sending targeted, personalized text messages. Enterprise text messaging is essential to building your brand provided that the privacy of consumers is protected through legal requirements for opt-in.
Since enterprise text messaging provides a direct, immediate channel for communicating with your customers, you will have an easy time marketing your products and services to them. SMS has a read rate of 97 percent within 15 minutes of delivery. When you send marketing messages to your customers, you can be reassured that they will be read almost instantly. Up to 45 percent of SMS campaigns usually generate a successful return on investment. When combined with other popular channels such as social media and email, the ROI will be even higher.
One of the things that you like about enterprise text messaging is the fact that you can use short codes to simplify response and also build your database. By adding a short code or keyword to advertisements, print collateral, advertisement boards and social media, your customers will have no choice but to make the first move. When use this marketing strategy in your business, your customers will soon become familiar with your brand’s code and keyword. There will be more likely to interact with you or respond to your messages as a result of that.
Using enterprise text messaging can also help you learn more about your customers and their needs. You can use SMS to easily get feedback from your customers via surveys. Findings from research show that 31 percent of customers are likely to respond to a survey via SMS in average response time of just five minutes. This means that you will get the results that you want in a short period of time. This is unlike using email that people may take too long to respond to.
For more information on the benefits of using enterprise text messaging in your business, visit our website at https://www.telemessage.com/


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