
Showing posts from May, 2020

Understanding The Benefits Of WhatsApp Archiving

We live in an era where majority of employees in most organizations are millennials and generation Y members.   Due to this, there is an inevitable shift in the enterprise communication landscape. There is a surge in computer messaging apps, with one of the most commonly used apps being WhatsApp. With more than 1.5 billion active users worldwide, it is without doubt that WhatsApp is one of the crucial mobile channels that you definitely need to take advantage of if you want to reach more customers. When you start using WhatsApp in your business, it is imperative that you not only use it to capture and retain messages, but also archive WhatsApp messages in a compliant manner. Archiving the WhatsApp messages can help you stay compliant with archiving regulations. Most regulatory agencies have made it clear that companies should retain all business-related messages that are created by employees, regardless of the type of mobile device and message platform that is used. E...

The Benefits Of Financial Regulation Text Message Archiving

To be able to run your small or large financial company successfully, of the things you need to do is invest in a reliable text message archiver. This archiving solution is critical to your company’s security and reputation. It is also crucial to making sure that text-based evidence can be traced and used for proving certain cases in court. There are various ways that you can benefit from financial regulation text message archiving.   One way is supporting court case and eDiscovery. As a business person, the idea of being involved in a legal action is the last thing you want to think about, but it is something that has happened to other business people, and it can happen to you too. Whether you get involved in a court case as a plaintiff, defendant or interested third party, you can rely on archived information if you need to pursue a legal action or defend yourself against one. Under the requirements of Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, financial organizations have t...

How You Can Benefit From A Compliant WhatsApp Archiving App

If you are an insurance broker, it is imperative that you record mobile messages in accordance with the text archiving, safekeeping as well as accessibility requirements of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, the Health Insurance Probability and Accountability Act, the Health Information Technology Act, Gramm Leach Bliley Act, among other legislations and regulations. While most insurance brokers know the regulatory and business requirements for capturing and recovering mobile SMS, there are some that still doubt if the same analysis is appropriate when it comes to WhatsApp archiving. WhatsApp has become a very popular chat platform in the insurance brokerage sector. There are various considerations you have to keep in mind in improving your service and addressing compliance requirements when using a compliant WhatsApp archiving app. The first one is compliance with key texting archiving laws and regulations. There are several mobile archiving laws and regula...

Benefits Of Recording Mobile SMS In Your Company

Whether or not to record mobile SMS in your business is something that you may be asking yourself right now. Aside from regulatory compliance and being a requirement on litigations, recording SMS messages in your company can also promote end user self-service.   With SMS recording, people within your business can access older content without the need for storing them in the device’s storage or on a live server. The ability to access older content is beneficial to both the users and the information technology department of any organization.   End uses can access the content as old as they need without constantly bothering the people in the IT department with requests for searching and restoring these files. The IT people on the other hand can place a strict limit on the mailbox size, something that can in turn help speed up the backup and restoration of servers.   Overall, recording mobile SMS can reduce the cost as well as time for backup, upgrades as well as da...