Things To Consider When Using Compliant WhatsApp To Email Archiving

With billions of users across the world, there is no denying the fact that WhatsApp can benefit both small and large business owners. However, just like texting, the use of WhatsApp in institutions comes with strict archiving standards that you must comply with. The good news is that there is now a solution in the market that can help business people ensure compliance and boost productivity while utilizing WhatsApp. The following are considerations that you should keep in mind in improving your service and addressing compliance requirements when using a compliant WhatsApp to email archiving app. One of the importa nt things you should consider is compliance with key text archiving laws and regulations. Companies are mandated to comply with various mobile archiving laws and regulations that specify the need to capture and record all electronic business communications and retain records in a format that can last for several years. A WhatsApp to email archiving tool ...