How Insurance Brokers Can Benefit With A Compliant WhatsApp To Email Archiving App
If you have an insurance firm, you are supposed to record messages in accordance with the text archiving, safekeeping as well as the accessibility requirements of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, Gramm Leach Biley Act as well as the Health Information Technology Act, just to mention a few. While most insurance brokers are aware of both regulatory and business requirements for capturing and recording mobile text messages, many still doubt if the same analysis applies to WhatsApp to email archiving. WhatsApp is a popular chat platform that is widely used in the insurance industry to today. When you decide to use WhatsApp in your business, there are various considerations that you have to keep in mind for improving your service and addressing compliance requirements when using a compliant WhatsApp archiving app. First of all, you must ensure compliance with key text archiving laws and regulatio...