How A WhatsApp Archiving Solution Can Benefit Your Business
You are probably thinking of allowing the use of WhatsApp in your business if most of your employees are millennials and generation Y members who prefer communicating via this app. When you make this move, you should archive WhatsApp messages in your business using an enterprise instant messaging archiving solution. WhatsApp archiving can help you in many different ways. First of all, it can help you stay compliant with archiving regulations. Most regulatory agencies have made it very clear that companies should retain all business-related messages that are created by employees. This is very important especially for financial service firms, where the flood of unarchived chat apps, text messages and social media has made headlines in the recent past. WhatsApp archiving can also help in boosting your employee productivity and morale. In most companies, a lot of employees are resorting to mobile messaging apps as their preferred means of communication these days. If you deci...