Things to Know About WeChat Trading and Compliance
Not long ago, British Petroleum terminated 4 trading as well as operation staff who dealt with Chinese crude oil sales because of an internal investigation into trades with Singapore’s Hontop Energy. 3 people that were familiar with the matter cited the improper use of the WeChat messaging platform as a tool for commercial discussions with counterparties as one of the factors that led to that termination. As a business person or company owner, you need to keep in mind that WeChat compliance is a critical issue for financial and other firms across the European continent. British Petroleum said that it usually does not comment on personnel matters or on its WeChat use policy. WeChat trading is not allowed by most companies, even though it is not clear if British Petroleum’s communication policy has anything on WeChat trading or on the official use of WeChat for communication. But it is true that financial service firms and other major companies take WeChat compliance serious...